Sister Jardine leaves the MTC this coming Monday.
Which means:
This week will be the last week you can get letters to her through the MTC.
Both addresses are listed below and to the right.
Take a few moments and WRITE HER a Letter!!!! :)
I know She LOVES to hear from each one of you!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Hola Familia!
Here it is! My last p-day at the MTC. I can't believe it!!! I fly out monday morning! I meet at the travel office at 5 am then head up to the airport. My flight is around seven something I think? So I should be calling between six and seven in the morning? Sorry :S I land in Albuquerque at 10 am and then I'm off!! :) It all begins!!! I can't wait to hear all of you! :)
I will admit, I will miss the MTC. I have come to love it here so much!!! I can't explain it! I've made so many wonderful friends and it has become HOME to me! I love it!
So last week for p-day was the most incredible day here yet! We went to clean the temple and instead got to put together and install the new chandeliers. Wow. There aren't words. What a sacred opportunity. How beautiful. It was something I will absolutely never forget. Being in those rooms made me realize how precious they are. How much I want a temple marriage someday and how I want to live worthy to return to live with God and all my loved ones, especially you. I am so grateful to have an eternal family.
This week has changed in me a desire to change lives and do missionary work. We focused on the hardest part for me, commitments. It's easy for me to show love and hard for me to be bold.
But this week I learned "Overbearance is Boldness without Love". That is my goal. It's something I'm working on. And so, today I want to extend a commitment to you, my dear family, and anyone else reading this e-mail.
Will you take time TODAY to genuinely pray?
The most distinct memory I have of prayer is one that Lauren probably doesn't even remember, but it's always stuck with me. Her first year of girl's camp, we all went to bearlake and I had the opportunity to stay in the same tent as her. One particular night it was pouring with rain, thundering and lightening, the wind was crashing at our tents. None of us could sleep and we were all a little scared. Lauren, her cute 12 year old self, in her timid faithful voice said we should offer a prayer.
She said it, with absolute faith, truly TALKING with Her Heavenly Father. Calmness filled our tent and though the circumstances took time to change, our hearts did instantly. Her faith gave us all peace.
We shouldn't call upon God only when we are in desperate need. He is your father in Heaven. We can't have a conversation with Him unless we talk with Him. We have time, make time, He gave you time. He gave you life.
Stay close to Him. Pick a time that works for you and pour out your heart to Him. He is so much nearer than you realize.
If nothing else, this is what I've learned most at the MTC, prayer.
I've finally learned how to communicate with my father in heaven. He is so near, every minute. I can feel Him behind me, encouraging me. I can feel His presence as a real person. He IS real! He loves you! Talk you Him.
Will you pray, today?
I promise you he hears you and will bless you.
Just as with Lauren, the circumstances may take time to change or may not change. Prayer is aligning our will to God's, expressing our fears and concerns and letting him comfort guide and teach us.
I beg with all my heart for you to pray.
You are in my prayers constantly as well.
I love you with all my heart, I can't wait to talk to you.
Hermana Jardine
P.S. Lauren and Taylor!!! Send Elder Clipp and Tipton a letter back! It'll make their day! You have to send it by tomorrow though cause they leave Monday as well!!
-I see Tanner Milne ALL the time! What a sweet kid!!! He was so excited the first day he got here!! He's an excellent missionary!!! Haha. He was so happy! I almost hugged him but that was the best handshake ever! What an amazing family!!
-I will send a package home at the end of the week with some stuff I won't need in the field and some stuff for the fam!!! Including letters from me and Sister Carter! ;) And Mckall's scripture case!
-JJ I'm preparing the MTC FOR YOU AND HAVE A NOTE WAITING!!!!! :)
-Jamie thanks for your sweet letters!!! I love them and they encourage me so much!!!!!
-KOLBY FALOR CONGRATS ON THE MISSION CALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I'm so excited to speak spanish with you! I'm so proud of how far you've come in the last two years and can only imagine where the next two will lead us!!!
-Maddy Thanks for your letter I love you!!!!
-Tell Brittany I LOVE HER!!!!!! I need her address!!!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Hola Familia!
Como fue su semana? How was your week? I haven't heard from you in a while I can imagine its busy! I hope you are all doing well! :) You are always in my prayers and I love you so much! When does school start? How's summer going? Dad's ward? I love you all and wish I could give you a BIG hug!! :)
So sorry it's so early! ;) Nothin like laundry and emailing at 6:30 AM. Today is p-day but it's going to be busier than any other day of the week! We're cleaning the temple today and teaching our investigator so it's lots of studying and hard work! But on top of that, we're about doubling our Zone size today!!! :) We're getting TWO new districts! Bringing our branch size up from 36 to 60. Needless to say we've got a lot to do today!! :) I LOVE welcoming the new missionaries and helping them love the MTC. I love it! :)
SPEAKING of new missionaries!!!!! Sister Carter is doing AMAZING! :) She is a strength to ME! I can't believe how lucky I am to get to see her so often!!! Last p-day my companions and I were studying outside when I saw little Kyle Carter (not so little anymore)'s head bobbing up and down at the crosswalk. I got to watch as mandy said her goodbyes and walked towards me. She didn't see me until she was right in front of me and we just froze! I've never had such an amazing hug in all my life!! We were both crying and laughing!! I felt like the sons of Mosiah reunited again!! :) I got to wave at Steph Roger and Kyle from the distance. It was so good. So incredible! I feel so blessed to have been there right when she got there!!! On top of that I can't believe how lucky I am to see her all the time! It's SO rare!!! But we have ALL the same meal times, gym times, P-day, and she lives 3 doors down from me!!! :) We get to spend time together everynight!! She has amazing roomates and a great companion who love her! She's doing amazing!!!! :) And we're LOVING it!!! :) I'll send pictures soon. It's so fun to think of all those times at EFY across the street and realize where we are now. What we're doing! We LOVE this week.
One thing dad asked about is what teaching is like now. How it's changed over the years. We had a fireside this week and I guess it's changed a lot! And STILL changing for us! They've gone away completely from memorizing anything. They want it to be in our own words. For a while they changed the order to talk of Christianity before the restoration but then saw how it halted progress. That would make us hardly different from any other church. Which we are. We're living. It's restored. It's true. I am so grateful for Joseph Smith and Thomas S. Monson. They changed the order back and soon after came out with the Preach my Gospel program in 2004. It's now being revised and even more changes are being made for us now. They want us to teach even MORE in our own words and by the spririt. To listen and help people with their individual needs. To teach them how the gospel can help them NOW.
It's so crazy to walk into an appointment having no idea what will be taught or how it will go. But knowing you are prepared, have studied and God will direct you. I am amazed at how incredible every appointment is! Somehow we're always able to understand the spanish and know what to say in return to help and encourage. It is REAL!
I LOVE my mission!!! Its flying by too quickly! I get my flight plans this weekend. And I am anticipated to fly out on June 2nd. I get to call from the airport so I'll let you know when in my next email!
It's going by too fast! I absolutely LOVE the MTC and all the people here!!! I will miss it SO much. But I'm so excited for the field!!!! I can't tell you how much!!! I can't believe how far we've come with teaching and the language. It's amazing and nothing makes me more happy!! I LOVE spanish!! I always have. I think back on my life and experience such as 'Wallagoop' in Kindergarden :) Nogalas Mexico on our family trip visiting Cindy, Jon & Jeralyn. Incredible experiences with Guatemala and how it changed my life! Even the latin culture I came across in the ambulance, ER, and REACH program. I LOVE the people. It's always been instilled in me and a feel like being here is just unfolding it. I LOVE the language and it's coming along great!!! The gift of tongues is real!!!! I feel so blessed and lucky!!!!
My favorite scripture has become Proverbs 3:5-6. It's become my life motto. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding! He WILL direct your paths! But ONLY if you follow!! I can imagine times are hard sometimes. But I love you so much family. I feel His love for you. Always trust in Him and guide Him! He wants to bless you!! I know He is REAL. He is THERE. The great message of the restoration and atonement is True!!! I love you so much and pray for you every day.
Se Fuerte!!!!
Les Amo,
Hermana Jardine
P.S. Tell everyone thank you SO much for the letters!!! I feel so lucky to have so much incredible encouragement!!! I am sorry if I don't get many out today, I won't have much of a p-day till next week!!!
P.P.S.S. could you try forwarding again?
Thank you!!! I LOVE YOU!!! I can't wait to call you in a week and a half!!! :)
Monday, July 19, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Hey my favorite family :)
Mandy (or should I say Sister Carter) comes in today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I absolutely cannot wait! It feels like Christmas! Don't worry, I WILL find her today! :) I know it has to be immensely hard on her and her family. I love them as my own and let them know I am thinking of them and they're in my prayers as is she. Don't worry. :) I'll take care of her and she will LOVE it!!!!! We will send you pictures soon! And we will be home before you know it! I should get my travel plands the end of next week. I can't believe it!!! I am excited but sad to leave! I LOVE it here! Mandy will too. :)
Well, I have another companion!! :) Her name is Hermana Callie Payne and she went to high school with Mckall & Scott. She is going to Argentina. She was in the district above us, but unfortunately everyone else recieved their visa's and left last week but her. She has a lot of patience. We are now the oldest district and we're a trio! :) Probably the most diverse trio when it comes to personalities :) ha. But I love it!
Our new district came in on wednesday and I LOVE them!!! They are so great! 12 elders heading to Guatemala and Chile (Don't worry, I'm gettin em excited for the best place in the world!! ;) 2nd to new mexico and home). One is even Elder Oakden from none other than Bristol Road in good ol' Logan!
Sadly though, it's been a hard week. When they got here, I really felt like they were struggling and felt like we as a companionship should teach them as companionships and help and strengthen them through the transition. We didn't get to the companionship that needed it most before one of our Elders went home. He was shy, reserved and home sick. I will forever wonder if there is something I could have said. I KNEW someone was struggling and knew I could help. I feel in my heart I could have. I know his life will never be quite the same. I will never again wait to heed a prompting.
It made me want to be a better missionary. To those in my coming field and those around me.
I have a deadline.
But I CAN make a difference. I wish he could have seen and felt what I do!!! He would never dream of leaving this great place or work! But I suppose it's the same with the gospel and those hidden from the truth. I wish they could see know and feel as I do. But all men have agency and must learn for themselves. I cannot and would not change that. But I CAN make a difference. I can show, teach, lift and inspire more than I am. I can invite.
I will better fulfill my purpose.
On Sunday we had a devotional from Jenny Oaks Baker and a visitor in the audience, her father Dallin H. Oaks. It was ABSOLUTELY incredible!!!!!! I LOVE her! She is an incredibly talented violinist and played for us for over an hour. There is no way or form I feel the spirit stronger than through music. I'm moved beyond words.
Throughout college, all those mundane days filled with hours of coursework and deadlines ahead, I remember playing her songs over and over again. It brought a level of comfort and support no other source could. Those lonely long hard days were instead days where I could feel the Savior encouraging me along. To work harder, to give my best to my work. They were days filled with satisfying work, knowing I was doing as the Savior wanted me to with all my ability.
Through those hours and hours of hymns, faith and hard work I grew close the the Savior. Those songs bare testimony of wirds I couldn't even begin to say. To sit there on sunday with those songs that got me through so many hard times and helped me truly feel my Saviors love and hand in my life was an absolute honor.
Ever time I studied over the past two years I had her violin as my companion. Those songs filled my ipod and heart, cheesy as that sounds :)
More than anything it was an hour of reflection of the Lord's hand in my life. To see where I began that first day of college, to where I am sitting now. God LIVES! I KNOW he's guided me and I will follow him anywhere! He is real. He is near. Moments like that reach beyond the veil for me. How could I ever doubt?
Through those songs I felt the nearness of my Savior. Though I had no idea what tomorrow or the next semester would bring. And those familiar tunes comforted me this week even though I don't know my future. I don't know how many children I'll have or what my struggles will be. When I'll marry or to who.
I don't know what I will do with my life after I serve. I don't know what New Mexico will be like, what my mission holds.
I don't even know what tomorrow holds.
But I know who holds it.
I love my Savior with all my heart.
I will follow Him anywhere.
I know without a doubt He LIVES! And wants me HERE.
And so I'll be here.
I love you.
Times up but I'll write more next week!
It's a busy day so sorry If not many letters get out.
I love you all!!!!
Hermana Jardine
P.S. Tell Jer and Heidi congrats! Jamie I got your letters and LOVE them!!!! :) I will write you so soon! JJ you will be amazing!!!!! I can't wait for you to get here! Tell Mckall I'd love to get scott's case just tell me a color!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
I love you Family :)
How are you?? I am doing amazing and think of you all the time! Thank you all and many others for all the encouraging letters and support you give me. I love you so very much.
I absolutely love this work! :) I cannot believe I only have less than 17 months left to do this work. The past little over a month has felt like one second. To think I only have less than 17 more puts it into perspective. It's flying by so quickly. There is so much more I want to do! Never enough time! :)
How was your fourth of July? I was thinking of you!! I wish I could have been there!!! My next fourth of July at home Dillon Lauren and Taylor we're going to lay out on the trampoline and take in the fireworks okay? :) I love you all so much.
It was such a great day here. I've ALWAYS loved the fourth of July, it's my favorite second only to Christmas. I love the history legacy and feeling it brings. And summer here is great, I love the sun and Sand Volleyball with our district everyday. This year we had a fireside on the history of the bible and book of mormon. William Tindale and others. I LOVE that history and am so grateful for those great men!!! :) We learned how this great land and freedoms brought forth the restoration. It was amazing. I LOVE the history. I thought of you Dad. :) It's a passion I share with you. The fireside was during the Carrie Underwood concert, so unfortunately we missed her mom ;) ha. But we did hear her warming up! ;) After the fireside we got to go out on the grass and see the fireworks. I loved being there with my district, my brothers, and sharing our feelings of such a special day. :) I love it here.
I cannot believe how much my heart has grown and changed this week. In seven short days SO much has changed. I LOVE my district! :) First of all, starting this week we are now the oldest district in our zone. Meaning our Zone leaders are now Elder Clipp and Elder Tipton from my zone, and I get the opportunity to serve as coordinating sister. I really admire and look up to them. Elder Clipp is from virginia, and is an absolute gentleman. He has been through so much. He had cancer, chemo and many surgeries as a little kid. His parents are converts. Here he's been sick with mono and I've become his mom. :) haha. Makin' him take his medicine. He is so dedicated kind and just plain fun! He is one of the most christlike kind and servicable people I know!! Lauren I wanna hook you up in a few years!! ;) Elder Tipton is HUGE but he is a sweetheart! :) He is from Payson. He is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. I love working with the two of them in our responsibilities. We have to go on splits a lot for meetings so they've been good companions for me. :) We have a new district coming in today and another one next week so we're busy with lots of work and I LOVE it! :) (sorry this is shorter because of that today)
There is NOTHING I love more than putting a smile on someone's face and helping those around me to feel welcome and loved. I remember how hard those first few days were and I am honored to have the responsibility of making that transition easier for those around me.
I am amazed at how my heart has grown and changed. Any doubt, fear, or bit of self consciousness I have ever had is gone. I can feel absolute faith and trust in my Savior. I have NEVER felt closer to Him or more sure without a shadow of a doubt that He LIVES! :) I can feel my heart being turned completely over to the Lord. I love working my hardest to serve as he would have me!! :) I am amazed at how many I can love personally though I've known them a short time. To help roomates who are struggling, classmates, elders in our zone, or a stranger passing. I feel as though I'm getting a glimpse of the way the Saviour sees us and feels for us. I LOVE the MTC! :) I know a good amount of the people here and love making new friends and helping newcomers feel welcome everyday. The MTC has become my HOME and family. I am so grateful to be a strength and honored the Lord would call ME to this work. I LOVE it! :) I will be sad when it ends. I want to share a quote Momma Soffe shared with me.
"When you come to the edge of all the light you know, and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown.
Faith is knowing one of two things will happen:
There will be something solid to stand on,
Or you will be taught how to fly"
-Barbara J Winter
I can feel myself flying and know my Savior is guiding me. I have no fears. I love Him more than anything and am honored to do a small piece of his work. I love this gospel. I love my brothers and sisters worldwide. Those who know his message and those waiting to hear it. Thomas S Monson spoke 3 times in the last ensign about praying for missionary work in places now closed and that they will open. I know that a LARGE part of that miracle starts today with The gospel is TRUE! It is REAL! And many will seek it! I am HONORED to be a part of this great work! I love it! I LOVE you, my family. :) More than anything. You mean the world to me.
Les quiero,
Hermana Jardine
P.S. If you could, I'm fresh out of black nylons...... :) bad luck. Thank you so much for the package!!!!!! I love hearing from you all!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Hola mi querido familia!
I can't believe today is my four week mark from the day you dropped me off.. One month.. I can't believe how much has changed and how much is still the same.. I love and miss you all so much! :) So...... I found out I've become lactose intolerant? Fun stuff.. I rarely drink milk anyway, but I've tried to do better here at the MTC.. I've been getting horrible stomach aches and getting queezy off and on.. Doctor thought I might be lactose intolerant, so I went a week without milk and felt great! Then had a nice glass of 2 percent the other morning and it about did my organs in.. But it's all good.. :) But if you could next time you send a package send some vitamins that'd be great! :) I'm lackin' my vitamin C ;) Well, this week has been absolutely amazing.. I can honestly say it's been my hardest time so far, but I have never had such an amazing time or felt so close to the spirit.. Someone shared this quote this week that I loved.. "Strength and struggle go together.. The supreme reward of struggle is strength.. Life is a battle and the greatest joy is to overcome.. The persuit of easy things wakes men weak.. Do NOT equipt yourselves with superiour power and hope to escape the responsiblility and work.. It cannot be done.. It is by following the paths of least resistance that makes rivers and men crooked.." I LOVE that quote.. It has pushed me to do and be better.. I love the last line.. The strongest rivers are those that are steadfast and press forward, not faltering at the obstacles in front of them.. I want to be like that.. Earlier this week I was struggling with feeling my purpose.. I prayed to feel it stronger, and never has God answered my prayers so strongly or quickly.. Hermana Sigler lives next door to me here.. Her family is hispanic and from just outside of albuquerque.. Her immediate family are the only members and her extended family is stubborn, kind and catholic.. She had been praying for someone to bring the gospel to them and have patience and boldness to not keep giving up.. We became quick friends and I am excited to try and give it all my might.. I know this gospel is true! I want to share it with all who will hear! This week was incredible! We had 10 of the 12 apostles here and the first presidency.. It was so incredible.. And I got to meet my mission president! I LOVE the Millers! They are SO sweet! They are Ben Warnick's aunt and uncle.. They were so kind and I can't wait to get down there and serve them.. I met the others going to my mission.. I am the only girl, haha :) We'll see how it goes but I'm excited! So I have to share with you the most incredible thing.. We had a fireside this week on the (keyboards here struggling) website coming out July 7th.. It is INCREDIBLE!!!! I cannot wait!!! It will change the world!!! It will have profiles where members can share their testimony and why they are mormon.. We are allowed to do it here, so mine will be up there next week as well! :) It has inspiring videos from different members and shows who mormons are and what we believe.. and chat rooms with missionaries and referral and visitors centers to answer questions and talk with investigators.. I LOVE it!!!! I have NEVER felt the spirit so strongly! What they have now you'd be amazed at the conversion stories! I know it will bring so many to the truth! He said something profound, that Heavenly Father created internet FOR missionary work.. After seeing what they are doing I KNOW that is true!!! I KNOW it will have a strong impact on the world and push missionary work along to corners and people we never could reach before.. I can't WAIT to get started.. I KNOW my purpose.. I LOVE this work!!!!! :D I love Heavenly Father and am so grateful he gave me the opportunity to share and love those around me! I love the MTC.. And I can't wait for my work in the field! :) I love you all so much.. Thank you for your letters love and support.. You are the greatest family I could ever ask for.. I love you more than anything.. You are in my prayers every night at 10:30.. Be strong and know I love you!!! I can imagine times are hard, and wish I could be there to help you through the ups and downs of life.. But remember, the pursuit of easy things makes men week.. We must push forward with strait paths.. despite obstacles in our path.. EVERY trial or frustration can make you a stronger better person if you let it.. It's okay to have downs, but always pick yourself up again and follow our savior Jesus Christ..I love you mi familia.. Sé fuerte! Yo se que José Smith restauró el evangelio.. yo testifico que Dios nos ama.. les amo! Nos vemos :)
Hermana Jardine
P..S.. Could you do three favors for me? I'd do them but I can't.. Could you send me Brittany Sawyer and Megan Gaian's address? And Afifa Sabir and AP (in my phone)'s phone numbers for referrals? Dear elder them soon as you can.. Thank you so much! LOVE YOU!
I can't believe today is my four week mark from the day you dropped me off.. One month.. I can't believe how much has changed and how much is still the same.. I love and miss you all so much! :) So...... I found out I've become lactose intolerant? Fun stuff.. I rarely drink milk anyway, but I've tried to do better here at the MTC.. I've been getting horrible stomach aches and getting queezy off and on.. Doctor thought I might be lactose intolerant, so I went a week without milk and felt great! Then had a nice glass of 2 percent the other morning and it about did my organs in.. But it's all good.. :) But if you could next time you send a package send some vitamins that'd be great! :) I'm lackin' my vitamin C ;) Well, this week has been absolutely amazing.. I can honestly say it's been my hardest time so far, but I have never had such an amazing time or felt so close to the spirit.. Someone shared this quote this week that I loved.. "Strength and struggle go together.. The supreme reward of struggle is strength.. Life is a battle and the greatest joy is to overcome.. The persuit of easy things wakes men weak.. Do NOT equipt yourselves with superiour power and hope to escape the responsiblility and work.. It cannot be done.. It is by following the paths of least resistance that makes rivers and men crooked.." I LOVE that quote.. It has pushed me to do and be better.. I love the last line.. The strongest rivers are those that are steadfast and press forward, not faltering at the obstacles in front of them.. I want to be like that.. Earlier this week I was struggling with feeling my purpose.. I prayed to feel it stronger, and never has God answered my prayers so strongly or quickly.. Hermana Sigler lives next door to me here.. Her family is hispanic and from just outside of albuquerque.. Her immediate family are the only members and her extended family is stubborn, kind and catholic.. She had been praying for someone to bring the gospel to them and have patience and boldness to not keep giving up.. We became quick friends and I am excited to try and give it all my might.. I know this gospel is true! I want to share it with all who will hear! This week was incredible! We had 10 of the 12 apostles here and the first presidency.. It was so incredible.. And I got to meet my mission president! I LOVE the Millers! They are SO sweet! They are Ben Warnick's aunt and uncle.. They were so kind and I can't wait to get down there and serve them.. I met the others going to my mission.. I am the only girl, haha :) We'll see how it goes but I'm excited! So I have to share with you the most incredible thing.. We had a fireside this week on the (keyboards here struggling) website coming out July 7th.. It is INCREDIBLE!!!! I cannot wait!!! It will change the world!!! It will have profiles where members can share their testimony and why they are mormon.. We are allowed to do it here, so mine will be up there next week as well! :) It has inspiring videos from different members and shows who mormons are and what we believe.. and chat rooms with missionaries and referral and visitors centers to answer questions and talk with investigators.. I LOVE it!!!! I have NEVER felt the spirit so strongly! What they have now you'd be amazed at the conversion stories! I know it will bring so many to the truth! He said something profound, that Heavenly Father created internet FOR missionary work.. After seeing what they are doing I KNOW that is true!!! I KNOW it will have a strong impact on the world and push missionary work along to corners and people we never could reach before.. I can't WAIT to get started.. I KNOW my purpose.. I LOVE this work!!!!! :D I love Heavenly Father and am so grateful he gave me the opportunity to share and love those around me! I love the MTC.. And I can't wait for my work in the field! :) I love you all so much.. Thank you for your letters love and support.. You are the greatest family I could ever ask for.. I love you more than anything.. You are in my prayers every night at 10:30.. Be strong and know I love you!!! I can imagine times are hard, and wish I could be there to help you through the ups and downs of life.. But remember, the pursuit of easy things makes men week.. We must push forward with strait paths.. despite obstacles in our path.. EVERY trial or frustration can make you a stronger better person if you let it.. It's okay to have downs, but always pick yourself up again and follow our savior Jesus Christ..I love you mi familia.. Sé fuerte! Yo se que José Smith restauró el evangelio.. yo testifico que Dios nos ama.. les amo! Nos vemos :)
Hermana Jardine
P..S.. Could you do three favors for me? I'd do them but I can't.. Could you send me Brittany Sawyer and Megan Gaian's address? And Afifa Sabir and AP (in my phone)'s phone numbers for referrals? Dear elder them soon as you can.. Thank you so much! LOVE YOU!
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