Hola Familia!
Here it is! My last p-day at the MTC. I can't believe it!!! I fly out monday morning! I meet at the travel office at 5 am then head up to the airport. My flight is around seven something I think? So I should be calling between six and seven in the morning? Sorry :S I land in Albuquerque at 10 am and then I'm off!! :) It all begins!!! I can't wait to hear all of you! :)
I will admit, I will miss the MTC. I have come to love it here so much!!! I can't explain it! I've made so many wonderful friends and it has become HOME to me! I love it!
So last week for p-day was the most incredible day here yet! We went to clean the temple and instead got to put together and install the new chandeliers. Wow. There aren't words. What a sacred opportunity. How beautiful. It was something I will absolutely never forget. Being in those rooms made me realize how precious they are. How much I want a temple marriage someday and how I want to live worthy to return to live with God and all my loved ones, especially you. I am so grateful to have an eternal family.
This week has changed in me a desire to change lives and do missionary work. We focused on the hardest part for me, commitments. It's easy for me to show love and hard for me to be bold.
But this week I learned "Overbearance is Boldness without Love". That is my goal. It's something I'm working on. And so, today I want to extend a commitment to you, my dear family, and anyone else reading this e-mail.
Will you take time TODAY to genuinely pray?
The most distinct memory I have of prayer is one that Lauren probably doesn't even remember, but it's always stuck with me. Her first year of girl's camp, we all went to bearlake and I had the opportunity to stay in the same tent as her. One particular night it was pouring with rain, thundering and lightening, the wind was crashing at our tents. None of us could sleep and we were all a little scared. Lauren, her cute 12 year old self, in her timid faithful voice said we should offer a prayer.
She said it, with absolute faith, truly TALKING with Her Heavenly Father. Calmness filled our tent and though the circumstances took time to change, our hearts did instantly. Her faith gave us all peace.
We shouldn't call upon God only when we are in desperate need. He is your father in Heaven. We can't have a conversation with Him unless we talk with Him. We have time, make time, He gave you time. He gave you life.
Stay close to Him. Pick a time that works for you and pour out your heart to Him. He is so much nearer than you realize.
If nothing else, this is what I've learned most at the MTC, prayer.
I've finally learned how to communicate with my father in heaven. He is so near, every minute. I can feel Him behind me, encouraging me. I can feel His presence as a real person. He IS real! He loves you! Talk you Him.
Will you pray, today?
I promise you he hears you and will bless you.
Just as with Lauren, the circumstances may take time to change or may not change. Prayer is aligning our will to God's, expressing our fears and concerns and letting him comfort guide and teach us.
I beg with all my heart for you to pray.
You are in my prayers constantly as well.
I love you with all my heart, I can't wait to talk to you.
Hermana Jardine
P.S. Lauren and Taylor!!! Send Elder Clipp and Tipton a letter back! It'll make their day! You have to send it by tomorrow though cause they leave Monday as well!!
-I see Tanner Milne ALL the time! What a sweet kid!!! He was so excited the first day he got here!! He's an excellent missionary!!! Haha. He was so happy! I almost hugged him but that was the best handshake ever! What an amazing family!!
-I will send a package home at the end of the week with some stuff I won't need in the field and some stuff for the fam!!! Including letters from me and Sister Carter! ;) And Mckall's scripture case!
-JJ I'm preparing the MTC FOR YOU AND HAVE A NOTE WAITING!!!!! :)
-Jamie thanks for your sweet letters!!! I love them and they encourage me so much!!!!!
-KOLBY FALOR CONGRATS ON THE MISSION CALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I'm so excited to speak spanish with you! I'm so proud of how far you've come in the last two years and can only imagine where the next two will lead us!!!
-Maddy Thanks for your letter I love you!!!!
-Tell Brittany I LOVE HER!!!!!! I need her address!!!
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